In this population of aging Australian women, the ICA PI is
demonstrated to be associated with cardiovascular disease. It was significantly
correlated to aortic PWV and the Framingham 10-year cardiovascular risk. The
ICA PI was significantly predicted by cardiovascular risk factors including
age, systolic blood pressure, MAP, BMI, smoking and diabetes. The CCA PI was
also significantly related to the Framingham risk score and femPWV, though this
relationship was not as strong as for the ICA. Neither CCA nor ICA PI was a
significant predictor of ischaemic heart disease over age and systolic blood
pressure. Reasons for the stronger relationship of the ICA PI to cardiovascular
risk over the CCA may include the following: 1 The normal cerebral circulation
is maintained in a constant flow due to a well-developed system of
autoregulation, where acute falls in perfusion pressure can have potentially
disastrous consequences to cerebral function.16 It can be expected that
arteriosclerotic changes will increase flow impedance and should be readily
detectable in the ICA.17 2 Readings taken in the common carotid will be
influenced by the external carotid artery, which supplies the high resistance
vascular beds of the muscles and skin of the face and scalp. Assessment of the
PI of the internal carotid is noninvasive and relatively easy to acquire. Only
one patient (0.6%) could not be assessed due to high positioning of the carotid
bifurcation. The intra- and inter-operator repeatability of this potential cardiovascular
health measure is still to be established at this site. Reports are varied for
the reliability of PI measures in other applications including trans-cranial
Doppler assessment of the cerebral vessels19 and intrauterine assessment of
foetal vessels,20,21 with both intra-operator repeatability and technician
experience having a significant impact on results.
The main limitations
of this study include the following: 1 This is a cross-sectional analysis, and
it therefore does not imply causality. 2 The delay between evaluation of PWV
and PIs approached 2 years in some participants. 3 The rate of ischaemic heart
disease was low relative to the population sample size, making estimates of the
true effect size and odds ratio or risk measures more unreliable.22 4 We were
unable to assess the relationship of PI to the prevalence of stroke as no
participants had experienced either an ischaemic or haemorrhagic event.
In summary, the PI, as measured by carotid Doppler
ultrasound, was significantly related to the Framingham 10-year cardiovascular
risk and aortic stiffening as measured by carotid–femoral PWV. Of the two PIs
measured, the ICA had the strongest relationship to cardiovascular risk factors
and may relate more closely to cardiovascular disease progression. Neither
index significantly contributed to prediction of ischaemic heart disease in
this analysis.
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