Ultrasound Identifies Hand Gestures, May Lead to Hands Free Control of Surgical Systems
At the University of Bristol in the U.K., researchers have managed to use ultrasound to detect the hand gestures that a person is displaying. While there are many consumer applications of the technology, such as playing video games and controlling devices around the house, this new “physiologic” way may end up being used by surgeons to browse hands-free through radiological images during procedures. This can help to maintain sterility while avoiding having to have another clinician control the imaging device’s interface. The same approach may also lead to a time when in-clinic touchscreens, which currently help to spread infections, may no longer be necessary. We can also envision this technology being used for rehab of patients who recover from stroke or musculoskeletal disease.
The researchers used a conventional ultrasound probe to image the muscles of the forearm while different gestures were performed. The investigators then used computer vision and machine learning tools to correlate muscle movements to the hand gestures that they produce. Working backwards, the system was able to identify which gestures were produced when different muscle motions were detected. Moreover, the technology proved itself even when the muscle motion was detected at the wrist, the location where smartwatches of the future that contain ultrasound transducers will reside.
Take a look at this demo video showing off the technology:
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