Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 11, 2017


Butterfly Network, a firm based in Guilford, Connecticut, won FDA clearance and is introducing its Butterfly iQ portable ultrasound system. It consists of a portable transducer that connects directly to an iPhone, and an iOS app to display the images and to control settings.
The device actually works as three different transducers thanks to an ultra wide band matrix array. This allows a clinician to perform a bunch of different scans and for the Butterfly iQ to be applicable in different clinical settings. The matrix array of microelectromechanical (MEMS) sensors is directly integrated onto an integrated circuit that contains all the necessary electronicsThis tight integration supposedly results in a fast, high-resolution device that can perform tasks that only full size ultrasound machines were capable just a few short years ago. The firm compares its technology to how photo camera sensors have been integrated within smartphones, enabling anyone to have high quality photo imaging in their pocket.
Perhaps the biggest deal with the Butterfly iQ is that it costs under $2,000. Previous portable, hand-held ultrasounds have often been priced at more than $10,000.

(Từ MedGarget)

Hãng Butterfly Network,   Guilford, Connecticut đã được FDA duyệt và đang giới thiệu máy siêu âm xách tay  bỏ túi Butterfly iQ, gồm đầu dò kết nối trực tiếp với iPhone và iOS app để hiển thị hình và  cài đặt định hướng.
Máy hoạt động như 3 đầu dò khác nhau nhờ ma trận dải biến tử siêu rộng [ultra wide band matrix array] giúp Butterfly iQ  người khám thực hiện tập họp nhiều loại khám lâm sàng khác nhau. Các bộ cảm biến Ma trận biến tử vi điện tử cơ khí  [sensors của  MEMS ]được tích hợp trực tiếp trên mạch tích hợp gồm tất cả tổ hợp điện tử cần thiết. Việc tích hợp chặt này giúp máy siêu âm xách tay bỏ túi  này  hoạt động nhanh và có độ ly giải cao như máy siêu  âm truyền thống vài năm trước. Kỹ thuật của hãng so sánh với cách như  mà  sensor photo camera được tích hợp vào điện thoại thông minh, nên bất kỳ ai cũng có thể tạo hình ảnh chất lượng cao với máy siêu âm bỏ túi. Butterfly iQ có thỏa thuận lớn nhất là giá dưới 2.000 đô trong khi các máy siêu âm xách tay khác  có giá hơn 10.000 đô.

Trong máy siêu âm cầm tay Butterfly iQ, các tinh thể được thay bằng các đầu dò siêu âm điện dung – về cơ bản, nó là các tấm kim loại có dạng hình trống, được treo lơ lửng giữa 2 điện cực. Có tất cả 10.000 kênh đầu dò có thể cộng hưởng tần  số phù hợp với các loại mô khác nhau khi được cung cấp điện áp.
Butterfly gọi đây là cấu trúc "mạng bướm" thông minh, với các kênh dò xử lý độc lập có thể thực hiện khoảng nửa nghìn tỷ phép tính mỗi giây trong quá trình quét - đủ để cung cấp hình ảnh siêu âm 3 chiều của bất kỳ vùng nào trên cơ thể.
Tinh thể đầu dò ở các máy siêu âm truyền thống phải được điều chỉnh để tạo ra sóng siêu âm để chụp cơ thể ở từng những độ sâu riêng lẻ. Nhưng những tấm kim loại của Butterfly iQ đã khắc phục được nhược điểm này.
Bằng cách điều chỉnh trường điện từ của đầu dò điện dung, các tần số sóng có thể thay đổi liên tục trong quá trình quét. "Chúng tôi có thể làm cho chúng rung tại tần số 1 MHz nếu chúng tôi muốn chụp sâu, hoặc 5MHz nếu chúng tôi muốn chụp nông", tiến sĩ Jonathan Rothberg, nhà sáng lập Butterfly nói.

First Ultrasound-on-a-Chip receives broadest FDA 510(k) clearance

A window into the human body for less than $2,000 enabled by breakthrough Ultrasound-on-a-Chip technology
GUILFORD, CT--(Marketwired - October 27, 2017) - Butterfly Network Inc. announced today that it has received FDA 510(k) clearance for the world's first Ultrasound-on-a-Chip based imaging system, the Butterfly iQ® for iPhone. The clearance covers 13 clinical applications, the broadest ever for a single ultrasound transducer. By combining almost 10 thousand sensors, 40 times more than systems costing 100 times as much, Butterfly ushers in a new era of accessible, high-performance medical imaging.
"Offering a unique blend of affordability, diagnostic versatility, and assistive intelligence, Butterfly has the potential to impact human health more profoundly than any diagnostic device since the stethoscope, invented over 200 years ago. At less than $2,000, healthcare providers can purchase an easy-to-use, powerful, whole-body medical imaging system that fits in their pocket," said Dr. John Martin, Butterfly Network's Chief Medical Officer. "By removing the barrier of price, I expect Butterfly to ultimately replace the stethoscope in the daily practice of medicine. We can now provide a diagnostic system to address the millions of children that die of pneumonia each year and the hundreds of thousands of women that die in childbirth, and these are just two examples of the impact this technology will have."
First of its kind 3-in-1 transducer provides maximum versatility and convenience

To image the entire body, a traditional ultrasound system requires a large, expensive cart or box which connects to three or more piezoelectric-based transducers, each costing thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Butterfly's Ultrasound-on-a-Chip technology combines the capabilities of the typical three probes into a single ultra wide-band, 2D matrix array comprised of thousands of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). These sensors are directly overlaid on an integrated circuit encompassing the electronics of a high performance ultrasound system. The acoustic bandwidth and processing power available from the MEMS and electronics fusion creates unprecedented diagnostic versatility, speeds, modes, and resolutions. 
Moving the ultrasound machine to a chip allows it to be produced at unprecedented scales, at prices and rates of improvements that obey Moore's law and will enable a series of future form factors.
Semiconductor fabrication reduces hardware costs 10 to 100 fold.

The Butterfly iQ's disruptively low price is enabled by breakthrough engineering and is covered by 33 issued patents uniquely melding micromachines and integrated circuits. Butterfly directly leverages the $3 trillion dollars that went into developing the global semiconductor supply chain, currently at the heart of the revolution in consumer electronics, telecommunications, computers, and smartphones.
"Just as putting a camera on a semiconductor chip made photography accessible to anyone with a smart phone and putting a computer on a chip enabled the revolution in personal computing before that, Butterfly's Ultrasound-on-a-Chip technology enables a low-cost window into the human body, making high-quality diagnostic imaging accessible to anyone," said Dr. Jonathan Rothberg, founder and chairman of Butterfly Network. "Two thirds of the world's population has no access to medical imaging, that's not ok, and today our team is doing something about it. And they are just getting started."
Ultrasound that learns

Butterfly Network has developed deep learning-based artificial intelligence applications that are tightly coupled to the hardware and assist clinicians with both image acquisition and interpretation. "Deep learning and ultrasound imaging are a perfect combination," said President Gioel Molinari. "As physicians use our devices in the field, they help improve the neural network models. The more physicians use Butterfly devices, the better they will get. Improvements to acquiring and interpreting images will ultimately enable less skilled users to reliably extract life-saving insight from ultrasound." Butterfly plans to release assistance and interpretation functionality in 2018 as a software add-on to the Butterfly iQ system.
Cloud and Storage Solutions

The Butterfly iQ is paired with a HIPAA-compliant cloud which enables image storage and collaboration among clinicians as well as connectivity with traditional hospital medical record systems. Butterfly Cloud's fleet management capabilities offer healthcare administrators a top-down window into the utilization and return-on-investment of ultrasound in their facilities.
Learn more at
Butterfly Network will be demonstrating the iQ at the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) conference in Washington DC. Attendees can visit at booth 1549 for a demonstration from Oct. 29 to Oct. 31. The Butterfly iQ will also be on display at the InnovatED section of the ACEP exhibition.
Butterfly Network has created and brought to market the first FDA-cleared device based on putting an ultrasound machine on a semiconductor chip. Pairing ultrasound-on-a-chip with the cloud and AI, they are on a mission to democratize medical imaging. Butterfly Network is a member of the 4Catalyzer life sciences incubator, founded by Dr. Jonathan Rothberg, best known for inventing next-generation DNA sequencing technology underlying the personal and precision medical revolution.

MEDIC Hòa Hảo đã thêm 6 ảnh mới.

FDA vừa chuẩn y cho một máy siêu âm cầm tay gọn nhẹ, kết hợp iPhone, của hãng Butterfly Network, được họ tự hào gọi là "Ultrasound on a chip" (một con chip gắn ngay đầu dò siêu âm, truyền tín hiệu hình ảnh đến iPhone). Sản phẩm đang được giới thiệu tại Hội nghị ACEP 2017 tại Washington DC (29/10 - 01/11/2017,... Hình ảnh xem trên iPhone quá đẹp !
Bs mỗi sáng khám bệnh, đến bên giường bệnh nhân mà có công cụ này thì còn gì bằng, giảm thiểu bao nhiêu là thời gian, phiền hà cho bệnh nhân, điều dưỡng & hộ lý cũng bớt việc.

Team focus is on ultrasound window
Antonio Regalado, the senior editor for biomedicine for MIT Technology Review, said the device uses capacitive micro-machined ultrasound transducers, or CMUTs, "tiny ultrasonic emitters layered on a semiconductor chip a little larger than a postage stamp."
Regalado wrote that ultrasound works by shooting sound into the body and capturing the echoes and usually, the sound waves are generated by a vibrating crystal. Butterfly's machine, though, "uses 9,000 tiny drums etched onto a semiconductor chip." Their company release said their ultrasound-on-a-chip technology combines capabilities of the typical three probes into a single, ultra wide-band, 2-D matrix array comprised of thousands of microelectromechanical systems. The sensors are overlaid on an integrated circuit encompassing the electronics of a high-performance ultrasound system. "Just as putting a camera on a semiconductor chip made photography accessible to anyone with a smart phone and putting a computer on a chip enabled the revolution in personal computing before that, Butterfly's Ultrasound-on-a-Chip technology enables a low-cost window into the human body, making high-quality diagnostic imaging accessible to anyone," said Dr. Jonathan.
Rothberg, founder and chairman of Butterfly Network. Butterfly iQ is FDA 510(k) cleared for diagnostic imaging across 13 clinical applications, said the Butterfly Network site, spanning the body. Storage is HIPAA-compliant. (The Butterfly iQ is paired with a HIPAA-compliant cloud for image storage and collaboration among clinicians and connectivity with traditional hospital medical record systems.) 
The site carries the supported iPhone models. Butterfly Network's "About Us" statement on their site said, "We are dedicated to democratizing ultrasound. Our dream becomes reality at the intersection of semiconductor engineering, artificial intelligence, and the cloud." Eliza Strickland in IEEE Spectrum, meanwhile, said "Beyond price and portability, the Butterfly iQ's other big selling point is its incorporation of artificial intelligence for both image acquisition and analysis." She said its engineers trained the software on vast datasets of ultrasound images, teaching it the difference between a high- and poor-quality image for body parts. For example, when "the user brings the probe to a patient's chest for a cardiac exam, the iPhone display helps them find the right spot."

© 2017 Tech Xplore APA citation: Team focus is on ultrasound window

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