Juerd Wijntjes, MD
1 and Nens van Alfen, MD, PhD 1
Muscle ultrasound is a valuable addition to the neuromuscular toolkit in both the clinic and research settings, with proven value and reliability. However, it is currently not fulfilling its full potential in the diagnostic care of patients with neuromuscular disease. This review highlights the possibilities and pitfalls of muscle ultrasound as a diagnostic tool and biomarker, and discusses challenges to its widespread implementation. We expect that limitations in visual image interpretation, posed by user inexperience, could be overcome with simpler scoring systems and the help of deep‐learning algorithms. In addition, more information should be collected on the relation between specific neuromuscular disorders, disease stages, and expected ultrasound abnormalities, as this will enhance specificity of the technique and enable the use of muscle ultrasound as a biomarker. Quantified muscle ultrasound gives the most sensitive results but is hampered by the need for device‐specific reference values. Efforts in creating dedicated muscle ultrasound systems and artificial intelligence to help with image interpretation are expected to improve usability. Finally, the standard inclusion of muscle and nerve ultrasound in neuromuscular teaching curricula and guidelines will facilitate further implementation in practice. Our hope is that this review will help in unleashing muscle ultrasound's full potential.
Keywords: biomarker, diagnostic screening, implementation, muscle ultrasound, neuromuscular ultrasound
Review: Peripheral Muscular Ultrasound in the ICU
Paolo Formenti1,3*, Michele Umbrello1,3, Silvia Coppola1,3,
Sara Froio1,3 and Davide Chiumello1,2,3
Yếu cơ do bệnh thần kinh nặng, bệnh cơ và teo cơ là điểm yếu đặc trưng tại đơn vị chăm sóc đặc biệt (ICUAW), thường xảy ra trong và sau thời gian nằm viện. Các yếu tố nhân quả có ảnh hưởng đến việc giảm khối lượng cơ vì mất khả năng hoạt động gồm các đặc điểm riêng bệnh nhân (tuổi, bệnh đi kèm và tình trạng dinh dưỡng), việc nằm giường liên tục và các thuốc sử dụng (tính cả thuốc hỗ trợ chuyển hóa). Nhóm kéo dài [long-term] xuất hiện trong các quần thể ICUAW không đồng nhất bao gồm mất chức năng thoáng qua ở 30% bệnh nhân và dai dẳng có thể xảy ra ngay cả ở bệnh nhân đã phục hồi gần như hoàn toàn. Các công cụ hiện có để đánh giá khối lượng cơ xương không chính xác và khó thực hiện trong ICU.
Siêu âm
cơ là giải pháp thay thế cho phép tạo hình và phân loại các đặc điểm của cơ theo mặt
cắt ngang, độ dày lớp cơ, cường độ hồi âm theo thang độ xám và góc nghiêng như lông chim [pennate angle].
Nota: pennate angle (feather-like)
from Justin C. Lee, Jeremiah C. Healy, in Clinical Ultrasound (Third Edition), 2011, Sononography of muscle injury, Oblique orientation fibres
Muscles that have their fibres oblique to the line of contraction may be triangular (pectoralis, adductor longus) or pennate (feather-like) (Fig. 60.3). Pennate muscles can be further subdivided into unipennate (e.g. flexor pollicis longus), bipennate (e.g. rectus femoris, dorsal interossei), multipennate (e.g. deltoid), and circumpennate or cylindrical (e.g. tibialis anterior).
Mục đích
của tổng quan này là điểm qua các tài liệu hiện tại đề cập đến siêu âm cơ để
phát hiện yếu cơ và tác động tiềm tàng của nó đối với việc điều trị và tiên
lượng bệnh nhân nặng khi kết hợp với các dấu ấn sinh học về dị hóa / đồng hóa
cơ và trạng thái năng lượng sinh học. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn đề xuất
một sơ đồ thực tế để chẩn đoán sớm.
Muscular weakness developing from critical illness
neuropathy, myopathy and muscle atrophy has been characterized as intensive
care unit-acquired weakness (ICUAW). This entity occurs commonly during and
after critical care stay. Various causal factors for functional incapacity have
been proposed. Among these, individual patient characteristics (such as age,
comorbidities and nutritional status), acting in association with sustained bed
rest and pharmacological interventions (included the metabolic support
approach), seem influential in reducing muscular mass. Long-term out[1]comes in
heterogeneous ICUAW populations include transient disability in 30% of patients
and persistent disabilities that may occur even in patients with nearly
complete functional recovery. Currently available tools for the assessment of
skeletal muscle mass are imprecise and difficult to perform in the ICU setting.
A valid alternative to these imaging modalities is muscular ultrasonography,
which allows visualization and classification of muscle characteristics by
cross-sectional area, muscle layer thickness, echointensity by grayscale and
the pennation angle). The aim of this narrative review is to describe the
current literature addressing muscular ultrasound for the detection of muscle
weakness and its potential impact on treatment and prognosis of critically ill
patients when combined with biomarkers of muscle catabolism/anabolism and
bioenergetic state. In addition, we suggest a practical fowchart for
establishing an early diagnosis.
Ultrasound assessment
of muscular features
As a noninvasive,
painless technique, ultrasound may be used to identify skeletal muscle
pathology. It offers several advantages compared with other tests used in the
evaluation of muscle features and allows for a quick screen of large muscle
areas at the bedside. In fact, healthy muscle tissue has a distinctive
appearance on ultrasound that readily distinguishes it from other tissues (Fig. 1)
[36, 37]. To perform an adequate ultrasound examination of skeletal muscle,
several technical components must be considered. First, since muscle and
subcutaneous fat can easily be compressed, a minimal
amount of pressure should be applied on the tissue under an ultrasound probe
sufficiently covered with gel, in order to optimize imaging conditions. Additionally,
obesity and subcutaneous edema can significantly alter the appearance and
quality of the ultrasound images of skeletal muscle. Therefore, the examiner
must be aware of the depth of the imaged tissue, the potential effects of
attenuation of the ultrasound signal, and the limitations of the ultrasound
system in use, taking into account the gain, the focal points and the
compression, as all of these factors may significantly alter the overall
appearance of myofascial structures [24]. The probe orientation and muscle
position can also radically alter the image appearance, given that the
relationship between the probe angle and the underlying pennation angle of the
myofascial strips critically modulates the ultrasonographic brightness of the muscle
[38]. The most important factors that contribute to the heterogeneity in muscle
detection are the transducer selection frequency and the field of view. Using a
linear probe, the frequencies for the clinical evaluation of neuromuscular
measures range from approximately 2–20 MHz. Considering
the limitations of traditional methods, together with recent advances in muscular
ultrasound, makes ultrasonography a promising tool for the study of muscle
structure, facilitating early diagnosis and intervention.
of muscle architecture
Cross‑sectional area
The cross-sectional area (CSA) is determined by the number and size of individual fibers within a muscle. It is comprised of two areas: anatomical (cross section of a muscle perpendicular to its longitudinal axis) and physiological (cross section of a muscle perpendicular to its fibers, generally at its largest diameter). The term ‘muscle architecture’ (parallel or pennate) refers to the physical arrangement of muscle fibers at the macroscopic level and determines the muscle’s mechanical function. In a parallel muscle, the two CSAs coincide, as the fibers are parallel to the longitudinal axis. In pennate muscles, both areas may be used to describe the contraction properties (Fig. 2). In fact, since muscle strength relates to muscle volume, the latter may be inferred from its CSA [30]. Because these measurements do not need muscle tension, they are often assessed instead of muscle strength tests [45], especially in non-cooperative patients. Muscle atrophy mainly affects fast fibers (type II) rather than a relatively equal loss of slow and fast fibers. This loss potentially results in a drop in physical activity levels, in the denervation/re-innervation process, and in reduced synthetic rates of muscle proteins. Thus, muscle bulk can be measured by the CSA, whose variation is dependent on age, gender, and muscle group [46].
Muscle layer thickness
Muscle thickness, the distance between two fasciae, is easily identifiable
with ultrasound (Fig. 3). Its reliability has been previously reported in
comparison with other imaging modalities as well as direct measurements on
dissected cadavers [25, 47, 48], while its reproducibility has been defined as
the highest in various muscles [26, 49, 50]. Since CSA is directly related to
the loss of strength, some authors tried to predict CSA directly from muscle
thickness. Although the two parameters significantly correlate [51], the
prediction of CSA from muscles thickness has not been proven [26]. Thus, even
if it has been shown that muscle loss of ICU patients could be monitored by
thickness measurements [52], we suggest that other indexes reflecting muscle
strength should be added to muscle thickness in order to improve precision
Information about
muscle composition can be gathered by quantification of muscle echogeneicity
[53]. The measure of the image grayscale reflect the muscle’s composition:
increased echogenicity indicates more homogenous muscle [54]. Echointensity is
calculated by performing grayscale analysis of image pixels. Briefly, all the
pixels in a selected area of the muscle are categorized on a grayscale configuration
using a standard histogram function widely available in many commercially
available types of software for image editing (Fig. 4). Quantitative
grayscale analysis has proven to be better than visual assessment alone of
ultrasound images [37], but it is slightly more time consuming and requires the
establishment of normal reference values. Ultrasonic echogenicity can be graded
according to a score that classifies ultrasonic echogenicity semi-quantitatively
into four levels, with higher grades corresponding to increased severity of
muscle impairment [55]. Graded echogenicity has been shown to correlate with
muscle pathologic findings on biopsy [53]. As with other measures, echogenicity
measurements are highly influenced by observer-dependent factors, such as the
adjustment of the ultrasound probe. Additional, factors, such as hydration
balance, might also have an impact.
Pennation angle
As mentioned above, muscle architecture can be described by the pennation angle, i.e., the angle of inser[1]tion of muscle fibers into the aponeurosis (Fig. 5). This angle provides information about muscle strength, as the greater the pennation angle, the more the contractile material packed within a given volume and by inference, the higher is the muscle’s capacity to generate force [56]. Moreover, pennation angle has been shown to be significantly correlated with the CSA [57]. Therefore, the angle of pennation is critical for determining force dynamics of muscle. Because pennation angle measurements are strongly influenced by adjustment of the ultrasound probe, some authors have expressed concerns regarding the observer dependency of this technique [58]. In particular, its reproducibility in muscles other than the quadriceps has been reported low [38]. Eventually, the fascicle length (FL) can be derived from pennation angle and muscle thickness, as described elsewhere [51] using the following formula: FL=TH/(sin PA), where TH is muscle thickness and PA the pennation angle. Muscles with larger pennation angles are thicker, as they have greater numbers of sarcomeres in parallel with the direction of the fascicle. It is possible that these parallel sarcomeres are lost first, causing loss of pennation angle as an indication of reduced thickness.
Muscular ultrasound in clinical practice
Lower limbs muscles are more subject to early atrophy
than those of the upper limbs [32]. The quadriceps, the largest muscle group of
the lower limb, is the one generally explored with ultrasound. The image
obtained allows assessments of muscle thickness, area, and ultrasound pattern,
information, which can monitor contraction patterns
that characterize muscular physiology and pathology. In the following section,
we will describe the evidence on the use of this technique in critically ill
patients (Table 1). Our comprehensive bibliographic search strategy
accessed the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane
Library, Scopus, Web of Science, from their inception to the cutoff date of
July 31, 2018. The following keywords were used, alone or combined with
appropriate Boolean operators, to search these databases: “muscular,”
“peripheral muscular,” “ultrasound,” “intensive care unit,” “critical care,”
“critical illness,” “weakness.”
Upper limb assessment
Most published
studies investigated the lower limb muscles for the reasons explained above.
Relatively few studies have selected the
upper arm as their principal zone of interest, and when doing so sometimes
compared it with other regions. Among these, Reid [66] performed serial
measurements of mid-upper arm thickness within the first 72 h of ICU stay,
showing how it decreased in almost every one of the 50 patients enrolled,
independently of positive or negative energy balance. With a similar purpose,
Baldwing et al. [65] more recently performed serial measurements of the
thickness of the anterior mid-upper arm, mid-forearm in 16 septic ICU patients
compared with healthy subjects. As expected, septic patients were signifcantly
weaker than control participants, with signifcant differences recorded in the
thickness and thickness/free fatty mass (FFM) of all peripheral muscles. Such
data suggest that by 2 weeks of ICU admission, muscles of different
functionality may not be equally affected by a combination of insults that
occur during critical illness. Finally, Turton et al. [32] investigated
the elbow flexor compartment, the medial head of gastrocnemius and the vastus
lateralis muscle at admission and after 10 days in 22 ICU mechanically
ventilated patients. Interestingly, this study showed no changes to the size of
the elbow flexor compartment, and loss of muscle mass occurred preferentially
in the lower limb. These data help justify interrogating the lower limb, as it
appears to be the peripheral muscle group predisposed to develop early disuse
atrophy among in critically ill patients. Moreover, the Turton study was the first
to investigate the role of pennation angle. Patients who had a larger pennation
angle at the day of admission had greater percentage reductions of pennation
angle as well as of muscle thickness.
Lower limb assessment
Focusing largely on lower limb
ultrasound investigations, most published studies considered the muscle layer
thickness and the CSA parameters, whereas only a few papers assessed ultrasonic
muscle echogeneicity as the key parameter of interest. In this regard, Grimm
et al. [66] found significant alterations in muscle echostructure in the
early stage of sepsis compared with healthy controls. Since those patients were
septic and had a positive fluid balance, it is difficult to clarify to what
extent the observed change in muscle echogeneicity was caused by edema rather
than muscle wasting. However, as the authors pointed out, the significance of
tissue edema in the
assessment of muscle echogeneicity may be overestimated, since tissue edema
cannot alter the bone signal that is part of the echogeneicity score. Moreover,
since the muscle echostructure score increased during the first 2 weeks
of care despite a concomitant decrease in fluid balance, a specific structural
damage in muscle architecture has been assumed. Cartwright and colleagues [70]
found similar observations in echostructure changes over 2 weeks in both
the tibialis anterior and rectus femoris muscles. Interestingly, these changes
were similar to those seen in other myopathic conditions and included a significant
increase in mean grayscale value,
indicating an increased muscle echogeneicity, and a decrease in grayscale
standard deviation, indicating that the muscle became more homogeneous [71]. The
use of grayscale standard deviation to define muscle homogeneity is justified,
considering that the standard deviation decreases as the pixels in the region
of interest become more uniform. However, once again, it is difficult to define
whether this pattern of change occurred because of muscle breakdown and loss of
the normally well-organized muscle architecture or due to inflammation or fluid
retention in the subcutaneous tissue and muscle. Since it is not clear if the
ultrasonographic muscle changes correlate with strength, Parry et al. [72]
addressed this topic and reported that muscle echogeneicity scores increased in
quadriceps muscle (both rectus femoris and intermedious vastus) by 12% and 25%.
Such observations suggest deterioration in muscle quality and establish a strong
association between function and echogeneicity. Eventually, in a recent prospective,
two-center, observational study comparisons were made between sequential
histological samples and ultrasound assessment of
rectus femoris echogeneicity [66]. This interesting paper showed how muscle
echogeneicity changes were greater in patients who developed muscle necrosis
than in those who did not (8.2% vs. −15.0%). In a previous study [16], rectus
femoris CSA and protein/DNA ratio were assessed over time, suggesting that all
decreased over the first week. Hence, lower limb muscle wasting has suggested
to occur as a consequence of both depressed muscle protein synthesis and an
elevation in protein breakdown relative to protein synthesis, resulting in a
net catabolic state. Unfortunately, muscle ultrasound significantly
underestimated protein loss (as measured by the protein/DNA ratio), perhaps in
part because of the presence of interstitial edema. Moving forward on CSA
studies, there is only one paper that integrated the ultrasound values into a
sarcopenia and frailty prediction model, showing how the rectus femoris CSA,
adjusted for sex and integrated with nutrition, comorbidities, depression, and
patient demographics data, was able to predict adverse discharge disposition in
surgical ICU patients [33]. With similar purpose, looking at the risk of
unscheduled readmission or death, Greening et al. [73] demonstrated how
smaller quadriceps muscle size described by CSA in the acute care setting was
an independent risk factor for subsequent unscheduled readmission. CSA has been
also evaluated in selected critically ill populations—such as trauma and
obesity—confirming the previous observations. In particular, a 3-week follow-up
analysis of CSA and muscle diameter followed in ICU trauma patients showed how
100% of them experienced severe muscle mass loss. Approximately 45% of rectus
femoris muscle mass was lost by day 20, together with a progressive increase in
echogeneicity score [34]. The muscle depth as a measure of muscle wasting was
compared among obese, overweight and
normal-weight patients using a muscle ultrasound
technique [74]. Compared with a previous study that used a similar methodology,
the muscle depth loss was comparable and not statistically different between
the groups at each of the interrogated time points. Lastly, muscle thickness of
different muscle groups was investigated in many studies, and the main results
in the majority indicated that it was signifcantly reduced. Among these, as
already mentioned, a 0.2–5.7% decrease/day has been described for the upper arm
[66], and a similar percentage in the lower limb [36]. Interestingly, the
progression of this reduction was not uniform among the different quadriceps
muscles, with a 30% reduction in rectus femoris and vastus intermedius
thickness and 14% reduction in vastus lateralis [56]. Palakshappa [35]
described the relationship between rectus femoris CSA and quadriceps muscle thickness,
with volitional measures of strength and function at 7 days after the
admission in ICU in 29 patients with sepsis. The authors observed an expected
decrease in both rectus femoris CSA and thickness (23.2% and 17.9%,
respectively) but established only a moderate correlation with strength on day
7. Similarly, Puthucheary showed that thickness measurements significantly
underestimate ICU muscle wasting compared with rectus femoris CSA [75].
Practical issue
Based on the current
knowledge on this topic, we developed a methodological fowchart with the aim to
diagnose ICUAW at an early stage and to optimize different patient-dependent
factors, such as pharmacological strategies, muscular overloading or
inactivity, and metabolic derangements (Fig. 6). Ideally, within the first
48 h after the admission to ICU, we suggest that a first muscular
ultrasound assessment should be performed to paint a “baseline picture.” We
also suggest confining the evaluation to the quadriceps muscle, and in particular
to the rectus femoris. At the same time, volitional strength evaluation, using
validated tools such as the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale [27, 43],
should be performed as soon as cognitive impairment allows. The degree of
possible cooperation should also be evaluated with validated scales for
sedation, agitation level and delirium, such as the Richmond agitation sedation
scale (RASS) and the confusion assessment method for the ICU (CAM-ICU) [76,
77]. In patients able to follow commands, manual muscle testing should be
performed, with a score in the normal range confirming the absence of ICUAW.
However, the necessary level of cooperation can reasonably be achieved on
average only 8–10 days after ICU admission [72]. Impaired mental status
or a low MRC score dictates the need for
additional examination for ICUAW, with the aim of optimizing muscle load; in
this case, serial reevaluations by muscular ultrasound may represent valuable
tools. In this regard, reductions of 20% in muscle thickness, 10% of CSA, 5% of
pennation angle and an increment in echointensity of at least 8% [66] seem
reasonable indicators of ICUAW, even if the latter technique has not been
standardized and no clear cutoff has yet been determined [72].
Skeletal muscle wasting in the critically ill has significant
functional implications for patients who survive, and the development of
prophylactic or therapeutic interventions has been troubled by our lack of
understanding of the pathophysiology driving the process of muscle wasting.
Several studies have demonstrated that muscle ultrasound is able to reliably
detect pathological changes, especially once it is performed repeatedly. Muscle
ultrasound might help to identify those patients at highest risk of prolonged
complications, which result from excess muscle catabolism. Despite this
intriguing potential, the interpretation of the available studies is difficult
because of significant methodological defects, inadequate sample sizes, and
lack of standardization of the ultrasound methodology. Nevertheless, further
studies are certainly needed to describe the detailed time course of ultrasonic
muscle changes and the progression of spontaneous activity, particularly in
relation to the functional clinical outcome.
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